Towards a sustainable vaccine infrastructure
Through the TRANSVAC infrastructure, state-of-the-art scientific-technical services, technical training, and innovative research and development are currently providing very significant support to European vaccine researchers and developers.
TRANSVAC-DS builds on the outstanding success and lessons learned from TRANSVAC and during the two-year project duration will further explore and prepare the establishment of a stable and truly sustainable European vaccine infrastructure. The main objective and output of TRANSVAC-DS is the preparation of a conceptual design report that will describe in detail the maturity of the vaccine infrastructure concept and be the basis for the establishment of a permanent and sustainable vaccine infrastructure of direct relevance to and benefit for Europe and further afield. As part of the design report, a five-year business plan will be delivered together with an implementation plan that will guide the further establishment of a sustainable European vaccine infrastructure.
Coordination team, European Vaccine Initiative
Stefan Jungbluth
Monika Slezak
Catarina Luís

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 951668.
Apply for Vaccine R&D services and Training:

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 951668.