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Cytometry by time‐of‐flight (CyTOF)
Course Goals
The course will comprise theory and practice of mass-cytometry applied to assessing the immune response in human and animal models. Cytometry by time‐of‐flight (CyTOF), or mass cytometry, allows the simultaneous detection of multiple phenotypic markers at the single cell level by making use of antibodies and specific probes conjugated with pure heavy metal isotopes. Labelled cells are then detected by atomic mass spectrometry. Whereas most conventional flow cytometry can be used to measure fluorescence in a maximum of 18 channels, with considerable spectral overlap requiring ad hoc mathematical processing, CyTOF technology makes it possible to measure more than 50 different parameters (in theory 130), with minimal spectral overlap. The course will describe the technology in details, and will present methods for characterizing surface markers and intracellular markers (cytokines and degranulation markers), allowing the characterization of activation, differentiation and functionality of lymphoid and myeloid cells. The training will be particular focused on new methods for unsupervised analysis of high dimensional data generated by flow and mass cytometry.
Application Deadline:
10 February 2023
Course Dates:
4 April 2023 (1 day)
FlowCyTech laboratory, IDMIT Institute of Biology François JACOB, CEA, Fontenay-aux-roses, France
Participant Nr.: 12
Dr. Anne-Sophie Gallouet
Course content
To be updated shortly.
Learning Outcomes
To be introduced to mass cytometry from the basic theory to data analysis and biological interpretation of the results.
Who should apply
Anyone with the minimal requirements and wishing to be introduced to mass cytometry.
Minimal requirements
Basic flow cytometry knowledge (3 to 4 colour experiments).
The whole course will be held online. Details to be provided by the training provider.
How to apply>>
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